Well, that's not good. Guess the rumors weren't completely baseless after all!
Page #23

Well, that's not good. Guess the rumors weren't completely baseless after all!
The mirror suddenly shows a ruined building underneath a red sky and another Taku with different clothes and longer hair, looking at his counterpart's back with a smirk. Taku doesn’t notice. Meanwhile, Serika is pretty shocked, but Taku just assumes she is still upset about the scribbles.
Serika: "I-Is that...? B-But how!?"
Taku: "Serika? Are you okay? No need to overreact so much. It's not even waterproof, you can wash it right off."
Serika watches on in horror as the Taku in the mirror makes a knife appear out of thin air.
Serika: "!!"