The mirror distortions were a bit hard to do, since my program decided to go all out no matter how carefully I tried to distort the lines. Also, I probably should've shown that Taku faces toward Serika again during the last two panels, because he doesn't notice anything weird and wonders what's up with her reaction on the next page.
Published on by Natsu.
Comic transcript
Taku: "Now look what you've done. All because you had to take a nap again."
Serika: "It was just an accident! I was wondering if that rumor about the mirror was true and stared at it for a long time... so long that I got tired and fell asleep."
Taku glances at the mirror right behind him.
Taku: "So? Anything strange about the mirror?"
Serika: "No, I-"
He faces forward again and sees Serika holding her face in surprise. She just noticed the scribbling over her eyes while looking into the mirror.
Serika: "Wait, what the heck happened to my face!?"
But as she keeps staring, the mirror suddenly distorts more and more.