This page is a direct follow-up of page 23 (this one), depicting a little... alternate scenario of sorts. One day while pondering Hyoukyo Mirror's story, I was jokingly thinking to myself: "Serika might be terrible at sports, but even she couldn't screw this up." And then I started wondering how everyone would react if she DID, in fact, "screw this up," which is how this little bonus was born.
What would happen afterwards? I guess Mirror Taku's annoyance would be greater than his murderous intent, and he'd just call it a day and leave, making the mirror go back to normal. Serika would be pretty bummed out at her throwing skills as well (and the fact that she got scolded by TWO Takus, even if the second one just glared at her), and someone would definitely go check if the trophy hit some poor, unsuspecting passenger walking in front of the school... :'D
Anyway, as you may or may not have noticed, I drew the two soundwords by hand this time. It really does look nicer, especially because it's easier to add your own touch to them, like the glowing or the cracks! I also paid better attention to the lighting conditions in the storeroom; something I pretty much forgot in the actual manga, because I first screentoned the characters and added the background later. That's something I have to keep in mind for the next project too. ;;
While Hyoukyo Mirror is over now, there actually exists a rather unexpected sequel - Hyoukyo Traitor, set one week after the incident in the storage room! The mirror theme takes a backseat this time though, so you'll have to wait a bit longer until anything gets resolved. But if you had fun with Hyoukyo Mirror and want to see Kei and Taku again, I'd be super happy if you checked it out as well! (^・ω・^ )♥