Shiori and Taku have this really weird "friendship" despite being constantly annoyed with each other, Taku making snarky remarks about her any chance he gets and Shiori throwing temper tantrums whenever he says something irritating. Still doesn't stop her from seeking his company to distract herself during long monorail rides. ;;
Published on by Natsu.
Comic transcript
They continued to walk while talking and...
"I see. So... What's up with THIS mess?"
...arrive at a blackened corridor that looks like a terrible fire happened here.
Taku: "No clue."
Kei: "Huh? But... How can you know about our senpai's pets, fights, relationships, cultural festival projects and transfer students, but not about part of this floor burning down?"
Taku: "I guess that this was caused by a girl, then."
Kei: "A girl? Why?"
Suddeny looking irritated, Taku explains.
Taku: "Because every single story Shiori gets on my nerves with relates to 'cute guys', never anything else. Do you even have the slightest idea how UTTERLY ANNOYING this is?"