After encountering so much nonsense, even Kei is pretty annoyed by now. He's normally pretty withdrawn and likes to ignore any trouble around him, so this sudden weirdness came as a surprise for him. (Not that the middle school students on the lower floors behave any better, though...)
Also: Shiori makes a one-panel-appearance! Yay! <3
Published on by Natsu.
Comic transcript
Kei hesitates to go on and just keeps staring at the heart on the wall. Taku turns around when he notices that his classmate doesn't follow.
Taku: "Kei? What's wrong?"
Kei: "Aside from the fact that I'm not sure that I want to become an upperclassman anymore because they all seem varying degrees of weird?"
Taku: "Uh... aside from that."
Kei: "Well, how do you know so much about what's happening up here? Did Kijima-senpai tell you?"
Shiori is shown, cheerily winking at the viewer.
Taku: "Yeah, pretty much. We have to take the same monorail half of the week, but none of her friends do, so she pesters me instead. That girl can ramble on forever if you let her."