And so Tenshou-senpai vanishes into the darkness again. Someone really should repair those busted hallway lights.
Page #11

And so Tenshou-senpai vanishes into the darkness again. Someone really should repair those busted hallway lights.
Souma turns to leave, waving cheerfully.
Souma: "Well then, I have to get going. See you around!"
Still a bit worried, Kei waves back.
Kei: "He didn't seem mad, but maybe I'll go apologize later. Don't want to get cursed."
Taku: "Do you seriously still worry about him being a ghost?"
Kei: "Haha, no! I was just... joking."
Taku: "Didn't sound like it, though."
As the two continue on their way, there is already more trouble lurking around the corner. Two pairs of eyes watch them from the darkness.